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Belt Press with Gravity Belt Thickner

Belt filter press (BFP) is a dewatering machine that uses continuously moving filter cloth to sparate the solid and liquid hence applying the depth filtration principle.

The filter cloths are driven by electric motor it sandwitches the sludge and dewater it by pressing the sludge by moving trough series of steel rollers. Both filtrate and cake solid are discharged continuously.

The belt filter presses are designed with capacities ranging from 20-kgDS/hour to 500-kgDS/hour.

Advanced models are equipped with rotary drum thickener or gravity belt thickner to increase the solid content prior to dewatering process.

Decanter is a sparator that separates solid and liquid using accelerated sedimentation principle by employing high centrifugal force up to 4000G.

A conical cylinder is rotated at high speed in witch the sludge is fed into the centre and separated by centrifugal force. A screw shaft will then consolidate and exert the separated solid out of the machine. Filtrate and cake are continuously discharge as the machine operates.

The decanters are designed with processing capacities ranging from 10-kgDS/hour to 3500-kgDS/hour.

Variant includes electric and hydraulic motor drives with fixed or mobile installation.


Hydraulic Driven Decanter


Fully Automatic Filter Press with Auto Cleaning

Filter Press (FP) is a dewatering machine that uses depth filtration principle by employing filter media to separated solid and liquid.

Sludge is fed into the filter press by use of feed pump. The solid wil from layers of dense cake, while the clear filtrate will be channeled out from the machine. The process is stopped after cake is saturated at certain pressure which then have to be removed by cleaning.

The filter presses are designed with processing capacities ranging from 5-kgDS/batch to 5500-kgDS/batch.

Variant includes manual to fully automatic functions from feeding, cleaning, membrane squeezing and cake discharging.

Screw press (SP) is a dewatering equipment that uses the principle of accelerated sedimentation by use of screw rotors pressing the sludge against multiple ring walls.

The conditioned sludge is fed into the screw chamber for thickening and dewatering process. Inside the solid will be consolidated by reducing volume screw chamber and discharged at the and of the, while filrate is discharge along the screw length through the gaps between the ring wall.

The screw presses are designed with processing capacities ranging from 6-kgDS/hour to 500-kgDS/hour.

Variant includes multiple screw for 16px capacities with combined automatic polymer dosing and injection system. Skid unit is available for mobile installation.


Single Module Screw Press

Distributor Belt Press Lumpur di Semarang


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